PREMIUM MARKET PLACE (PMP) – A Free Classified Submission Site

Our domain,, is a free classifieds website for the Nigerian online classifieds ads market place where users can post their ads for free, buy and sell their classified ads without any charges. It is designed for you to find what you are looking for on this platform by searching or finding it, you can also promote your own business on our website. We check all classifieds posted on the website and check special attention to quality. It takes us a long time to check all these. We do all this so that you get good quality listings. Our main objective is to make service, buying or selling classified ads as easy as possible.
You have a product or service to advertise / sell, and you wish to avoid the expensive marketing campaign that comes with it? If so, you’re in favour! is a free classified submission site where you can share your classified ads with people from all over the world. Plus, it gives you the chance to target your ads to different audiences to get them in front of the most relevant people possible.


What We Do

Premium Market Place ( is one of exciting free classified sites on the web. We offer excellent services and resources, including Free Classified Submission. With so many other sites out there charging people to submit their ads, it’s great to have a free option available.
Use this guide to help you choose the best platform for your products and services, which will help you drive more traffic and make more sales!
  • 1. Create an Account on The Exceptional Market Place
Register to create an account, you will need to enter some basic information about yourself. Once you have entered your first name, last name, phone number, username and email address, you choose your password, tick the privacy policy box and proceed to register. The last step is for you to verify your email address by clicking on a link sent to your inbox. When all of these steps are completed, you will have successfully created an account!
  • 2. Create a Post in the Category Relevant to your product or service
Real Estate/Automotive/Career or any relevant category. This will drive traffic to your landing page as it is not directly linked in the title of your post. Make sure to include a relevant keyword link to your website or a web page in your body content. For example, ABC Company is excited to announce that they have just started using ABC products in their manufacturing. For your URLs to track correctly, you must use a subdomain when linking out from  site. Otherwise, Google Analytics will not track correctly and all links from that domain will be tracked separately from each other.
Promote your new post using social media and link building techniques
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are always great places to promote your new content. Remember to link back to your post and make sure you share it with all of your followers!


Premium Market Place- PMP offers a wide variety of categories to post your ad in. Your ad should be unique and quality content with an attractive title, making it far more likely to be noticed by potential customers. You don’t have to pay a dime for any of these services; all are free. If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to market your product or service and get noticed, is an excellent choice!

How to get the best out of Premium Market Place PMP?

When posting ads to the platform, you will find that there are many benefits. Not only is it a free classified submission site, but it also has other features for making your ads look as professional as possible. For example, there is a section where you can add or create link that take users to other websites where they can purchase items from your ad. Also, if you want to make an ad stand out with some special promotional traffic to your landing page you should promote ad on this website using our premium services to reach more people on the platform at the cheapest affordable price.